//Import Mixpanel SDK
import mixpanel from "mixpanel-browser";
// Near entry of your product, init Mixpanel
mixpanel.init("759598168ecf869e94ff8f561e2f71fa", {
debug: true,
track_pageview: true,
persistence: "localStorage",
Your (former) employer owes you money
Worked over 40 hours a week without extra pay?
You may be owed thousands...and not even know it
Millions work overtime without the pay because they are illegally misclassified by their employers as exempt
of employees are legally eligible for overtime pay
of employers illegally misclassify workers & deny them overtime
From nurses to IT support to construction workers...
From global conglomerates to local businesses...
From salaried workers to contractors to hourly employees...
Worker misclassification can affect nearly anyone in nearly any company
We're here to help.
Does this sound familiar?
Worked over 40 hours a week
Regularly worked "on call"
Told to round down your hours
If all of this is shocking to you, what is more shocking is the modern breadth of misclassification...it is everywhere. Misclassification takes billions from working people and gives it to lawbreakers. It is a pervasive and national scandal.
- Commissioner Boya, Federal Trade Commission
Get started with a quiz!
Find out if you're eligible & get help by taking our quiz or chatting with our AI, Secure Sally
You worked hard for your money. We are here to help
SecureCounsel is driven by a mission to enforce workers' rights. We connect employees to counsel to negotiate for unpaid overtime and other benefits at no upfront cost - we only get paid if you win.
total dollar value of the top 10 wage & hour settlements in 2023
How it works
Chat with us or fill out a form.
Tell us your story.
We connect you to the right lawyer for your case.
At no cost to you.
Your lawyer will negotiate for your backpay and other benefits.
You receive a check.
No one gets paid unless you do.